I finished the book Race to Eden by Alma Yates. It was amazingly sad, but a very good book. In it I found a quote that hit me to the core, and I wanted to share it with you. Two brothers are talking. Brad is an amazing football player, but before his first game, he breaks his arm so he can't play. He's deciding to go on his mission (football had been a huge distraction), when he talks with his brother Chris.

He says, "Sometimes things like that happen, things you never would have chosen, and they end up being the best thing that ever happened in your life."

What do you think of that? Taoists believe that, though there are right and wrong actions, there are not good or bad happenings. Bad can come from good, and good from bad.


1 Response to “Good, Better, Best. Never Let it Rest!”

  1. Unknown

    It says it Doctorine Covenents more than once "All things shall work together for your good."

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