Prop 8
Author: Jack
Please, as we come closer to the voting booths (for those of you who have not yet arrived), please take these things into consideration.
You may agree or disagree with Proposition 8, but please be polite. These men and women, gay, straight, bi, whatever, are your brothers and sisters, and ought to be treated as such. Please, be kind. Recognize their divine nature. If you are reading this post, you are more likely a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This religion posted a pamphlet earlier in the year, entitled "God Loveth His Children". Take it into account. In it, as members of His church, we are encouraged to be tolerant and kind, to all who disagree with us, or live a different lifestyle.
You do not have to agree or disagree with the proposition. It is your prerogative to have an opinion. However, it is a right, as human beings, as children of God, for others to be treated with respect.
As for the beliefs of our church: We do not agree with "marriage" being given to homosexuals/bisexuals. However, we are all right with allowing civil unions to occur between same sex couples. We may not endorse it, but we do not condemn it (within the institution of government). And we always are supportive of tolerance and respect.
Be a righteous representative of your Lord, and your church, for you are a representative, as you have taken the Lord's name upon you when you were baptized.
Do you think Jesus would treat same-sex couples, or people with homosexual tendencies, any different than he would you, a fellow imperfect soul?
Great thoughts! See my comment on Facebook.