One World Cafe
Author: Jack
If you heard Rush Limbaugh's rant on the SLC restaurant One World Cafe, I hope you didn't buy into some of the junk he was getting into. One World Cafe is based upon the altruistic idea that we should all look out for each other. So, for those who don't have a lot of money for food, they can come in, eat, and pay what they can. Get that? Pay. What. They. Can. Rush, don't pin this on "liberals". They ask what the customers can give. This isn't socialistic, it's realistic. Those, in turn, who can afford to pay a pricier cost, pay it, to keep the business in business, to keep food available to those who need it. Wow, sorry, Mr. Limbaugh, that we believe in an ideal, that we believe in the good of the people.
'Kay, and he keeps talking about how they don't serve beef. What's up with that? He's never eaten there, so he'd never know how good the food is. And, since I've eaten there, I can say that it's not my favorite, but it is good food. Hey, if you ever go there, try the Everything Cookie! It looks disgusting, but it tastes amazing, and is worth the extra few bucks.
They base their employees on volunteer work (or they can work for their food). One World Cafe helps people earn their meal, as they can. Learning what to do to get off your feet is good, but what happens when you need food today? In the meantime, might as well earn the meal, right?
There were problems, admittedly, with the business management of One World Cafe. They are working on correcting them. But instead of mocking that, Rush decides to mock the fact that they're a non-profit organization. Those who bought into his degradation of altruistic companies, have we forgotten that we are here to look out for our fellow men? That when we're sued for our coat, we give them our cloak as well? Yeah, I'm a liberal. I like the idea of everybody working for their buck, but I think it's a good idea to help a brother out, too. I am happy with my money being taxed to the max, as long as it's going to a good cause. As long as it helps somebody out, helps somebody up. (Granted, I don't believe it always goes to a good cause, which is why I'm involved in politics.) But as for the idea of doing what you can, and then being lifted up by your brothers and sisters, that's awesome. That's awesome.
Want to read up more on One World Cafe, what they're doing, and where they're getting their resources from? Try this MSNBC article. I found it accurate, fair, and informative.