
Author: Jack

I love having friends like Kellie, Matt, Bethany, Caulene and Ceci. :) Y'know what? I love them. And nothing you tell me will change that. I love each and last one of them. :) And nothing you say will change that. This makes you uncomfortable? That happens to be your problem, and NOT mine. Have fun with that.


3 Responses to “:)”

  1. Unknown

    I love you Shell-bell!!! :)

  2. Sean

    I don't see why that would bother anyone. Oh well, I'm glad that you are blogging again. :)

  3. Jack

    Yeah, Sean, some people are a little crazy, but I got a pretty nasty response to my blog post "This May Make Some Uncomfortable..." though nothing in the post ought to have (made some uncomfortable, that is...) :) After the response, I kind of froze up and wasn't sure how to respond (in terms of blogging) but I'm glad you like that I'm blogging again. :) Definitely a plus.

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