Two Lists of Teachings or Practices of the LDS Church that I Intend to Continue or Discontinue Incorporating Into My Life

Even though I no longer affiliate myself with the organization The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and I do not consider myself to be one of their members, there are traditions, practices, and teachings that I will continue to keep in my life, and will one day teach my children. Some of these are specific to the Church, like the Primary songs I'll be singing to my children, and some of them are not tied specifically to the Church, like the belief that one should ponder things out in our hearts or the belief that we must love one another. In my own way, even though I no longer consider myself Mormon, I'll always be a Mormon girl.

The following two lists, (the first being a list of traditions, aspects, or teachings I intend to keep, the second being a list of traditions, aspects, or teachings I no longer believe and will no longer be continuing to incorporate into my life, and intend to not incorporate into my family's life) are not meant to offend or hurt. This is for the sake of honest communication, as, over the course of the past 9 months, I have had many people ask me why I'm leaving, or why I no longer feel I can support the Church. Most of my answer has been to the reason of "I found in a higher way of thinking, that being gay was okay, and after that I realized I could no longer coincide with the Church", but it is somewhat more complicated than that--- which you found, if you questioned me further. If you're one of those people, this is your answer.

I understand that people on both sides of the spectrum will disagree with a couple things I have listed, and that's okay. This list is not meant definitively, nor is it meant in terms of being a list of the good or bad of Mormonism. Honestly, few may agree and that's okay because this list was my list, not your list, and I imagine that if you were to create a list, I would not agree with everything on that list either. We're two separate people, and that's how it's supposed to be. If you see yourself being very hurt or very angry, you have my permission to stop at anytime throughout the text.

You will notice that the list of things I will continue to incorporate into my life is longer than those I don't. However, most listed in the second list are more important to me, and most listed in the first list are not equivocally tied to the Church. I do not intend to join or attend any church that agrees with many of the things on the second list. It's nothing against the Mormon Church, as much as it is that my beliefs do not match up/line up with the teachings of the Mormon Church. I believe that God would best support me supporting a religion that I agree with, rather than staying with one that I don't upon the hope that I will receive exaltation.

I know some of you will not agree with me having posted this note, and if that's the case, for heaven's sake, keep it to yourselves. Nothing will profit you from telling me that you don't think I should have done something I already did. AND, if you don't think it should have been posted, you probably weren't the ones it was directed to, so don't worry about it: you don't have to read it.

On a side note, if there are any things you feel I have left out, because I know I must have, leave a comment at the bottom (I responded to things that have been on my mind, and mostly the list of gospel topics on, and I'll be sure to edit the note and address that point. If you are offended, angry, or hurt, please don't leave divisive or negative comments about it. I will delete your comment. This is a list of my beliefs, and I hope you can respect that it is as perfectly acceptable for me to be appropriately vocal about my lack of belief in those men being prophets, as it is for you to be vocal in your belief that they are indeed prophets. If you have a question, or want something clarified, I am willing to discuss, not to debate, over facebook message, or over email at Remember, too, that there may come a time in that discussion that we will simply have to accept that we will not agree.

I'll tag some people in this note, not as a list of people who this was directed to, but rather as a list of who I would like to look over the list. I want some feedback, and I want to be reasonably challenged so I can verify once more what I believe, (i.e. Can I back it up?) since I believe the questioning of one's beliefs is a positive attribute.

Now, to continue with my list:

Beliefs and/or Practices I Will Continue to Incorporate Into My Life

* Their approach to abuse: encouraging forgiveness w/ the correct timing, while encouraging justice and healing w/o self-blame

* The belief (*T b) that everyone experiences grief and adversity, and that we all deal with it in our own time, in our own way

* T b that you can live out eternity with the one you are wholly committed to (difference of opinion, however, on how best to show that commitment, or how to join the club on who gets to live it out)

* T b that women should only get an abortion if they cannot emotionally or physically handle the pregnancy or birthing

* T b that each person has the ability to choose (free agency) (differences of opinion, however, on what the best choices are to choose)

* I'll be singing primary songs, like my mother sung to me, to my children. I will also continue to sing many of the hymns from the LDS hymnal.

* T b that it is severely important to learn how to love one another

* So far, I still definitely think that Joseph Smith was a prophet.

* T b that men will not be punished for Adam's transgression

* T b that there are certain universal laws that all men must live by (however, difference of opinion on what those laws are)

* T b that all men ought to have the right to practice religion as they wish, as long as it is not directly harmful to people or animals

* T b (in terms of doctrine, not necessarily that of all their actions) that it is right to be good to people, to be friendly, tolerant of others' beliefs, to be honest-- which is what I'm doing w/ these lists--, to be generous, to not hurt your fellow men, women, children, animals, or the world we live on.

* T b that birth control is between the two beings in question, and whatever they feel is right, however and wherever they may discover their answer from.

* T b that there is a higher and a lower afterlife. I believe that there are degrees of the afterlife that vary in terms of each person, and each family. I believe that families continue on into forever, but that a "family" is not necessarily meant in terms of "a group that is connected by marriage or blood", but rather "loved ones who support each other and hold each other up with a degree of commitment", but that those loved ones can and often are related to each other through marriage or blood.

* T b that a couple (homo & heterosexual, which is a difference of opinion) can obtain the ultimate commitment and should show that commitment in the best way they feel possible, and that adultery is unequivocally wrong. The utmost respect and commitment should be shown to those who you are thus bonded to.

* T b that people should only begin dating upon reaching a mature level. However, I think it is more of a personal matter, and whether that level is mostly or always reached at age 16, or not, I'm not sure.

* T b that we can see our loved ones after death.

* T b that there is most definitely evil in the world, but not necessarily that it is encouraged by one evil source (a.k.a. the devil)

* Except for things like receiving an education, avoid debt at all costs

* T b that under the correct circumstances, as they range from abuse to irreconcilable differences, divorce is appropriate as long as it is done in the right way

* T b that receiving an education, men and women, is of the utmost importance. For whatever/whoever you plan (or upon the incidence of an accident) to bring into this world, be sure you can support them.

* T b that there are things that we can do to strengthen our families.

* T b that it is important to be prepared, whether that be with a savings plan, or having food storage.

* T b that to forgive is a divine (or a higher) attribute

* T b that it is important to connect with our ancestors

* T b that gratitude is a divine (higher) attribute

* T b that true honesty, with one's self, with respectful honesty with those around you, is a higher attribute

* T b that a higher way of thinking would seek for us to find true happiness, which can be found inside of us upon making the right decisions. (however, difference of opinion on what those right decisions are. For instance, now that I've chosen to be true to myself as a gay woman, I'm much happier... but the Church would not consider that a choice that would make me ultimately happier-- I disagree)

* T b that humility is a higher attribute (however, there comes a time when we must stop apologizing and we must choose to be direct)

* T b that judgments must be guided with righteous intentions and guidelines (however, difference in opinion on who is supposed to judge, what they're allowed to do what those judgments, and what those guidelines are)

* T b that we all have access to obtain personal revelation through a higher way of thinking.

* T b that sacrifice can help us obtain a closer connection to that higher way of thinking.

* T b that the service of those we love, and those in our community, as well as those in other communities-- with similar or dissimilar beliefs to ours-- is necessary for the well-being of humanity and it is necessary for personal growth.

* I will continue, as I can, attending appropriate religious services, in hopes of coming closer, through greater introspection, to that higher thinking.

* We both (the Church and I) believe in peace, but will accept war when necessary.

Beliefs and/or Practices I Will Discontinue Incorporating Into My Life

* The belief that the priesthood (as in "the power of God, and the right to act in his name") was meant for men, and that they have a closer connection with God because of it-- I believe that this connection is equally accessible to both men and women and is something that is internally acquired, not acquired through an ordination

* T b that the leadership of the church is made up of prophets. I believe that they have as much of an access to Godly knowledge (a higher way of thinking) as any of us, but I believe that sometimes they have a closer connection due to the amount of time they spend focusing on the cultivation of that connection. Mostly, I believe they talk with God, but they do not speak for God. They are men who are subject to their own prejudices

* T b that consumption of a mild amount of alcohol or drugs is morally wrong

* There are several scriptural references that I, and much of the educated world, differ, due to some significant translational evidence, in opinion in terms of the Church's scriptural interpretations.

* T b that baptism by water is currently necessary to enter into their ideal afterlife. I believe it was once a symbolic fulfillment of what many call "conversion", but it is more accurately a specific change that occurs in us that qualifies us.

* T b that both the King James Version of the bible is an accurate translation (as we are constantly finding new discoveries that give us greater insight into the translation of words, and the belief that the Book of Mormon is unequivocally the Word of God. HOWEVER, in order for something to qualify as the word of God, in my belief, it need only follow what the Lord teaches, and because I find many similar teachings in what I find with God, and what I find in the Book of Mormon, my belief is that there is much to glean from reading the Book of Mormon.

* T b that the 10 tribes will converge in America

* T b that faith (as in the un or little questioned trust that those who claim to be prophets of God, speak for God) is a Godly attribute. I believe that God, or any higher being of high morality, would hope that we would not just pray and be faithful that the answer we feel we have gotten was right, but that we would study it, as Joseph Smith did. Jesus had his doubts, so he studied them for the answers, as he tried to keep his connection to the higher way of thinking, through what many would consider to be "prayer". Only through questioning and truly finding out for one's self, can one be truly at peace with their beliefs.

* Body piercing, the consumption of coffee & tea, swearing (done in the correct setting), acquiring tattoos, these are personal choices. Pretty sure God is still going to be okay with you if you've got a nose ring, as long as you've been good and kind and loving and accepting.

* I believe that fornication and adultery are two separate issues, as adultery deals with a heart wrenching dishonesty and the breaking of an utmost commitment. Polyamory is different than adultery, and very similar to polygamy. Polyamory is the belief-- held by both/all in the relationship-- that it is possible to love and to fulfill this utmost commitment with multiple people.

* T b that we must unequivocally follow all laws of the government. Sometimes riots, boycotts, necessary force is... necessary. Only sometimes, but... yeah. Mostly, I agree with shooting down a bad government, whether it be by the law or not. By the law first, then, if it's not working after a long amount of time, you take whatever means necessary.

* T b that homosexuality is more morally wrong than heterosexuality. I believe that anything wrong with homosexuality is wrong with heterosexuality (i.e. adultery)

* T b that marriage is the only right way to show a perfect commitment to who you share that ultimate commitment with.

* I absolutely cannot agree with the patriarchal order, as I believe it makes the woman second class in the relationship.

* T b that only in the LDS temple, and only through the ordinations accomplished there, can you be sealed with your family, and be with them for forever.

* T b that there is only one right way to live our lives, that there is only one path to "heaven"

* "T b" stands for "The belief..."


Off to the side, I've got a list of links, labeled "Interesting Info". I thought I'd give a little summary about what each of these links would send you to when clicked upon. (these are a list of links I find interesting enough to share with all y'all)


BODIES: The Exhibition: No, this isn't a link to "Men in Trenchcoats". This link takes you to the site that talks about the science phenomenon, the museum exhibit explaining the bodies... with real bodies!

Delete Censorship: Delete Censorship has lists of the most challenged books in America. (books that people wanted out of their library, or school) Some of these, you'd be surprised. Check it out.

Equality Utah: This is the site for Utah that helps you easily involve yourself in local politics concerning gay legislation. Also, it explains some of the legislation that's seeking to be passed.

Ghetto Translator: Ghetto translator translates whatever web page you send it to into stereotypical ghetto slang. "Facescribblin` helps ya` connect and share wid da people in yo` life."

God Loveth His Children: This is a pdf file of the pamphlet from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that addresses their views on homosexuality (sans the political side of it-- you find that elsewhere) and the practice of homosexuality. They're much more liberal than you think ;)

Good Reads: This is an awesome site where you can easily share your reads and your writes.

Google Options: Cool google options, applications, etc.

Hounddog Rape Scene: Ever wonder what the rape scene from Hounddog with Dakota Fanning really included? Here's where you find out, so you can decide: Is this really a scandal?

Independent Women's Forum: A fairly fair feminist forum.

Male Lactation Info: Did you know that men, throughout the ages, have had to lactate at times? This link has some really interesting info on the subject.

McCain: This is a link to John McCain's blog.

Mee Mix: Similar to Pandora, this is an app that easily allows you to find songs similar to what you're in the mood for.

Meridian Magazine: A link to Meridian Magazine, which addresses the local Mormon demographic, often addressing state, local, and national legislation.

Obama: This is a link to Barack Obama's blog.

Orisinal: Morning Sunshine: A few fun games for when you're in need of momentary rest and relaxation. The variety offered on the site means you could spend anytime for a few minutes to a few hours here.

Overheard in the Ward: A funny set of things that people overheard from speakers or fellow listeners while in their LDS congregations.

Plot Whisperer: This is a helpful site for writers, with tips, critiques, and whatever you needs.

Queer Salt Lake: A link to QSalt Lake, a local newspaper that addresses the local homosexual demographic, often addressing state, local, and national legislation.

Rachel Maddow: One of my favorite liberal show hosts.

RAINN: The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network

RAINN Online Hotline: *RAINN's option for those seeking advice. This is for people who know people who've been raped, people who've been raped (recently or not), or just people with questions. *see previous entry

Rhyme Zone: An easy way to find antonyms, synonyms, definitions, and rhymes to whichever word you need.

Sex Offender Issues: Issues surrounding sex offenses, and sex offenders.

Sex Offender Studies: Studies concerning sex offenders

Soft Cup: A menstruation revolution! Tampons toxic-shocking you? Pads leaking? Need something new? Click on the link!

SparkNotes: An easy way to fake your book report or "read" and "analyze" a book, so you know what you're talking about when your date brings up Crime and Punishment.

Strengthening Your Marriage: This is a blog that gives tips and other links that aids in, aherm, strengthening your marriage.

Suite 101: An easy way to find an article on... anything.

Surf The Channel: A site that gives you the necessary links to access thousands of television shows and movies online. A cheap alternative to the weekly Cinemax

Survivor Booklet: This is a pdf of the Survivor Booklet by the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Abuse, for those who have been sexually abused. Very handy.

Symptom Checker: Plug your sick-symptoms into this app, and you have options of what you could be ailing with. Easy way to see if you need to go to the doctor or not.

Urban Dictionary: A list of slang and popular meanings and interpretations.

Write or Die: Dr. Wicked's Writing Lab: Easy explanation. You stop writing for long enough, you die.

So, those are my list of awesomely amazing links. If you're interested, just click on the link in the blog post. If you have any you'd like to inform ME of, please, leave a comment, and inform :)


During and following California’s Proposition 8 campaign, the LDS Church declared it is not “anti-gay” and “does not object to rights for same-sex couples regarding hospitalization and medical care, fair housing and employment rights, or probate rights.” On November 5th, Elder L. Whitney Clayton stated the LDS Church does not oppose “civil unions or domestic partnerships.” In response to these statements, Equality Utah has launched its Common Ground Initiative, designed to address each of the issues mentioned by the LDS Church. The majority of these items will be introduced as bills in the 2009 General Session of the Utah Legislature; however, Expanding Healthcare is initially being addressed as a policy change.

1. Expanding Health Care-most gay Utahns can not insure their family. Currently, Equality Utah is working to secure an Executive Order, which would extend benefits for State of Utah employees and their adult designees. Since the State of Utah is the state’s largest employer, this is a great start in getting insurance plans to cover all family structures.

2. Fair Housing & Employment-Right now it is legal in Utah for people to be fired from their jobs or evicted from their homes just because they’re gay or transgender. All Utahns should have the chance to provide for their families and stay in their homes without fear of being unjustly fired or evicted for reasons that have nothing to do with ability to work or pay rent. A Fair Workplace bill was introduced in the 2008 session as HB 89. This year, the Fair Employment portion was added and the bill has been introduced as HB 267.

3. Wrongful Deaths-The sudden death of a loved one is painful. When someone dies because of the negligence or malpractice of another, we can help families stay in their homes by removing existing barriers to inheritance and insurance. This bill was introduced in the 2007 session as SB 58 and in the 2008 session as SB 73. The bill is SB 32 in the 2009 session.
*This bill was defeated in the Senate Judiciary Committee by a 4-2 vote.

4. Domestic Partner Rights and Responsibilities Act- Apart from marriage, we can do much more to help committed couples in Utah care for each other. This bill creates a domestic partner registry and will attach rights of inheritance, insurance, and fair housing.

5. Clarifying Amendment 3- A government registry involving inheritance, housing, and insurance is nowhere near the legal equivalent of marriage. But the second part of Amendment 3 has been misinterpreted to prevent any recognition of gay and transgender couples in Utah. This bill would repeal the portion of Amendment 3 which states “no other domestic union, however denominated, may be recognized as marriage or be given the same or substantially equivalent legal effect.” It will not change Utah’s current definition of marriage, which is one man and one woman.

Help us secure these rights by joining our Common Ground Initiative. Be part of our work for a fair & just Utah and sign the petition of support today!


California and Same-Sex Marriage
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
June 30, 2008

The Divine Institution of Marriage - Introduction
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
August 13, 2008

Church Responds to Same-Sex Marriage Votes
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
November 5, 2008

Mormon Leaders Urge Respect for Foes in Gay-Marriage Debate
The Salt Lake Tribune
Brooke Adams
November 5, 2008

LDS Official Lauds Work for California’s Prop. 8

Deseret News
Carrie A. Moore
November 6, 2008

Equality Utah: Common Ground Initiative


Jon Stewart

Author: Jack

K, you're gonna have to look at this with a lax point of view. Don't take this too seriously, okay. I'm not looking to get into an argument of how rude he is, or whether gay marriage is right. Just, if you enjoy it, enjoy it. If you don't, we can talk later...



List of Dreams

Author: Jack

The following is a list of dreams I have had, do have, or hope to have:

* Move out of Utah
* Chase a dream
* Love completely
* Find complete love
* Follow what I believe in my heart I ought to do
* Always have a cat
* Raise a newborn puppy and kitten so they grow up friends
* Live somewhere with a friend
* Take a big risk!
* Keep one close friend for 10 years
* Learn how to skateboard
* Learn how to fix my own car in case it breaks down on the side of the highway... or at least just know what's wrong with it.
* Publish a book
* Write a book
* Get up the courage to write a book
* Never go back to bad-habiting.
* Learn how to play the accompaniment to "Let There Be Light"
* Clean my room, and keep it clean for a month
* Impact someone's life so they'll never forget me
* Hug a random stranger
* Learn how to make out-of-this-world huevos rancheros
* Watch the sun set over the ocean
* Watch the moon set over the ocean
* Watch the sun rise over the ocean
* Watch the moon rise over the ocean
* Camp up in the mountains
* Go skinny dipping
* Always call my dad Dippy
* Kill Ann Coulter... or at least convince everyone of how stupid she is
* Run for some government position, local, state, federal, or otherwise... wait, is there otherwise?
* Learn to play the violin
* Graduate
* Um, to graduate, I've got to go back to school FIRST
* Remember to visit Animalia
* Live in a house that is surrounded by trees, and has a HUGE front yard
* Go on a date with Tysic
* Recite the "Barefoot in the Park" rendition with Bobby at least one more time
* Get up the guts to go visit Mr. McKell
* Be true to myself
* Have a couple kids someday
* Get married someday
* Maintain a best friend throughout my marriage
* Never forget my friend, for a boy
* Stay out of debt after this
* Always feel free to make new friends and meet new people

...and the list goes on, and on, and on... what are some of your dreams???



Author: Jack

I love having friends like Kellie, Matt, Bethany, Caulene and Ceci. :) Y'know what? I love them. And nothing you tell me will change that. I love each and last one of them. :) And nothing you say will change that. This makes you uncomfortable? That happens to be your problem, and NOT mine. Have fun with that.


One Whole MONTH!

Author: Jack

I knew it was a LONG time since I'd posted, but I didn't realize it'd been this long! After i got a nasty response to one of my posts, I had a hard time knowing how to respond-- in terms of "do i keep posting?" But all is well, I think, now, and at the moment, I've been working (as a custodian, but it's a greeaat job, so i don't care that it's custodial work again), and had a rather stressful holiday season, but it's okay now. And the past couple days I've been messing around with youtube and vids that I have. :) So, to start off a slew of enjoyment, here's a video of my family at Trümmelbach Fällen near Lauterbrunnen.


My Tunes

Where Are You From?