Author: Jack
June 5, 2006
In English last year, Miss McCormick had us read a poem and respond to the mood. I read this, and I had to write it to y'all, and ask what y'all thought.
"All People are worth knowing." How interesting. I agree. Even people that hurt you, you can learn a lesson from them. A lesson of love and forgiveness. The best friends are when you come away benefited. A little better. A little wiser. for knowing them. Sometimes it can be hard to keep up the pace. But someone will come along, and you will be all the wiser. You will have the ability to identify true love. Maybe it doesn't have to be your eternal companion. Sometimes it's someone you only see for a fraction of a moment. A moment of your lifetime can last for a lifetime. Do your best. Hold on.
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure what inspired the last two sentences, but what they hey. I was so naive! So fifteen! ;D Hahaha, jk. Anyways, what DO you guys think? Do you think "all people are worth knowing"?